Yemen: A Pandemic of Impunity in a Tortured Land

Yemen is described as “a pandemic of impunity in a tortured land” by a group of UN experts who have just released their third report on persistent and gross violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.  The report notes that the warring parties, including the Saudi led coalition, must be held to account for acts such as the arbitrary deprivation of human life, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, and enforced disappearances.

“Yemen remains a tortured land, with its people ravaged in ways that should shock the conscience of humanity,” said Kamel Jendoubi, the Chairperson of the Group of Experts who also underlined the group’s concern about the continued supply of arms, by third states, to the warring parties.

Read a brief on the report here and the full report here.

Photo: Taiz, Yemen
Credit © akramalrasny, Shutterstock

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