Get involved

There are a number of ways you can get involved with United Against Inhumanity.
Take a look below and see which suits you best:

Existing UAI groups

Below are the different groups active within UAI and we warmly welcome new volunteers to come join these volunteer-run groups. You will find each group’s description below. The groups include the:

Afghanistan Task Team (see their campaign webpage here)
Asylum Task Team
Myanmar Task Team
UAI in the UK (see their webpage here)

To submit a request to join any task team, to contribute a blog, article, or to find out more, write to . To contact UAI in the UK directly, please e-mail .

To receive monthly updates of these groups’ activities, sign-up to our monthly newsletter at the bottom of the page.

A wall painting of the back of a student wearing a woman's uniform. The student is painted standing in front of huge open book. Above the painting the word "Book" is written in Dari. There are two windows visible on each side of the wall painting.

Afghanistan Task Team

The Afghanistan Task Team includes various members with hands-on experience of working in, and on, Afghanistan for lengthy periods over many decades. The deepening crisis now confronting Afghans is grounded in decades of armed conflict and dysfunctional governance, occupation, impunity and deep-rooted gender discrimination coupled with the lack of a common vision on the future direction of the country. It is also shaped by repressive internal and external policies since the return of the Taliban to Kabul; this effectively ended protracted warfare in August 2021. In response, foreign budgetary support that amounted to more than 40% of GDP was cut and measures taken to undermine the Taliban regime; this included the arbitrary seizure of Afghanistan’s external sovereign reserves, a significant factor in the crashed economy and banking system. The consequences include unprecedented levels of poverty, hunger, loss of livelihoods, indebtedness, and the use of harmful coping mechanisms such as the exchange of young girls in marriage and involuntary displacement. The UAI Frozen Funds Campaign is focussed on challenging measures that condemn millions of Afghans to enforced pauperization and the further marginalization of women and girls. Their right to a decent life is undermined when families are reduced to prioritizing food over all other considerations.

Asylum Task Team

UAI’s Asylum Task Team brings together volunteers outraged by the cruelty with which governments around the world are preventing people from reaching safety, and adding to the dangers they face, as they flee persecution and armed conflict. These governments are using illegal and inhumane ways to turn people away and prevent them from applying for asylum.

In 2023, the Asylum TT is focused, in particular, on the situation of people trying to reach Europe. The team is exploring options for advocacy work leading to a Europe-wide campaign demanding a stop to pushbacks and an end to the culture of ‘deterrence by death’.

People on a crowded small ship in open water.

Women and children walking on a dirt path in single file, carrying big bags made of cloth in their arms. One person stands next to the queue watching the people pass. This person is wearing a UNHCR T-shirt and a blue cap. Credits: UNHCR.

Myanmar Task Team

UAI’s Myanmar Task Team was formed two years after the coup of February 2021. Since the coup, thousands of protesters have been arrested, tens of thousands of people have been killed or wounded, and hundreds of thousands displaced. The Myanmar junta is regularly attacking villages and communities with indiscriminate artillery shelling and mortar fire as well as by air with jets and helicopter gunships. Large scale war crimes and crimes against humanity are being committed. The international community’s response has been confused and uncoordinated.

The Task Team brings together a diverse set of individuals with different focuses, including the situation of the Rohingyas, how to support local governance and what is the role of the international community, in particular China, in the multi-faceted conflict in Myanmar. The Task Team is also committed to supporting the young generation of activists from Myanmar who are fighting against the military.

UAI in the UK

UAI in the UK is a not-for-profit association, affiliated to United Against Inhumanity (UAI). We are committed to promoting UAI’s Call to Action and bringing to an end the callous inhumanities of modern wars and the terrible suffering of refugees and those seeking asylum. Our webpage provides a detail of our UAI in the UK Committee Members as well as all the articles directly linked to our work in and from the UK.

Start a new UAI group

Anybody who is inspired by UAI’s vision and would like to join with others in promoting its goals may apply to set up a “UAI affiliated group”. These groups may bring together people living in a particular country or community, or people working or studying in a particular business or place of education, or people who meet and exchange information online.

Groups may decide to focus on a single component of UAI’s work, or to promote UAI by, for example: Speaking about it in schools or community organisations; Briefing local political or community representatives and urging them to take action to support UAI’s objectives; Engaging in conversations and exchanges with different groups in society on the human costs and other consequences of wars and their impact on those forced to flee for their lives. Such discussions can help concerned individuals and groups to channel their outrage at the atrocities being committed in war and asylum into insistent calls for real change and an end to such inhumanity.

We will be happy to discuss your plans with you and brief you in more detail on UAI’s criteria for approving its affiliated groups. 

You will then be invited to submit an application, indicating where the group will be established, what its focus of work will be, and who are its founding members. Once your group’s application is approved by UAI’s International Executive Committee, you will be able to use the UAI name and logo and post your updates on the UAI website.

If you’re interested in starting a UAI Group then please email: .

Make a donation to UAI

If it is to fulfill the goals described in the Call to Action, UAI needs resources.
Funds donated to UAI will be used to:

campaigns icon

Support campaigns promoting UAI’s objectives around the world

development icon

Support the development of an Independent Humanitarian Watch

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Support the growth of the UAI worldwide network

Become a Supporter

To stay up to date with UAI’s activities and opportunities to support us, sign up to our Newsletter using the form at the bottom of this page.

You can also find us on different social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.

Although you will not be liable for any subscription, voluntary donations to support UAI’s activities are warmly encouraged.

Note on Partnerships with existing NGOs

If you represent an existing non-governmental organisation which would be interested in partnering with UAI, please reach out to us via email and we will be delighted to discuss this.