Members of UAI General Assembly (GA) gathered on 14 November 2019 from 15.00 to 17.00, courtesy to the Handicap International’s headquarters in Geneva. The quorum was reached with 18 members either present in person, connected via video-call, or represented by proxy.
Members of the General Assembly unanimously voted for the:
- Approval of the yearly activity report as summarised in a recently published update <insert link>
- Approval to establish the UAI fiscal year from April to March and to extend the duration of the first UAI exercise until end of March 2020 (16 months in lieu of 12 months as allowed by French law for a newly created organisation)
- Approval to organise the yearly General Assembly in June each year so that validation of the accounts and election of International Executive Committee (IEC) members coincide
- Approval of an extension of the mandate of the provisional IEC in its current composition by seven months and therefore postpone the election of a renewed IEC to the next GA in June 2020
- Approval to remove the 5€ subscription to become an active member due to the difficulties to collect this small amount from active members around the world. However, a voluntary membership contribution that does not exceed 100€ a year was suggested.
- Approval to encourage signature of the Call To Action and to use the platform HelloAsso to collect donations on the website.
The General Assembly also requested the IEC to come up with a proposition to establish an Advisory Council and to identify candidates to be presented at the next GA in June 2020. It was also approved that a Secretary should be nominated in the IEC to liaise between the General Assembly and the Advisory Council.