4 June 2021
Dear Members and Supporters,
The appalling situation in Tigray, highlighted in our May Newsletter, continues to get even worse. This brief extra edition of our newsletter, provides some shocking details about recent events in Tigray.
At the end of this Newsletter, we also present plans for our Special Issue June Newsletter on Refugees, to be published on 11 June.
Update on Tigray
Since our reporting on 7 May, the situation for the people of the Tigray region of Ethiopia has only got worse.
In a devastating new article, Alex de Waal chronicles the deliberate campaign of murder, rape, deliberate starvation, destruction of property and the means of livelihood by the armed forces of Ethiopia and Eritrea and allied militia.
(Alex de Waal is Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation.)
Pandemic of Hunger Symposium: The Ethio-Eritrean Hunger Plan for Tigray and the Failure of Resolution 2417
Professor Jan Nyssen of the University of Ghent (whose interactive map we featured in May) has produced a summary of reports, during May, of further atrocities in the region and has made it available in a letter to Lord David Alton, an independent member of the UK House of Lords.
No one has documented the catastrophic atrocities in Tigray more diligently or thoroughly than Professor Jan Nyssen. In his latest report he says “Mothers are giving birth in the streets”. This appalling man made tragedy is an international disgrace whose authors should be tried for war crimes and worse at The Hague.
Finally, we include a link to a report in the Daily Telegraph of 24 May, that includes photos that give a real sense of the horrors of chemical weapons.
In May, we called for far more concerted international action to bring pressure on the governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea to end the military campaign of terror against the civilian population of Tigray, and to restore communications with the region.
We repeat those calls with renewed passion and urgency.
Special Issue on Refugees on 11 June
In preparation for World Refugee Day on 20 June, our June Newsletter will focus on three under-reported features of the global refugee crisis: New and Neglected Refugee Situations; Dangerous Refugee Camps, and Judicial Activism, where appeals to the Courts aim to prevent governments from implementing the most repressive measures against refugees and asylum-seekers.