Campaign advocacy materials



To be used as an email signature, Zoom background, etc.

Collective Launch Event – 30th January 2024

E-mail communication tools

Mailchimp Email template:Stop-the-Inhumanity-at-Europes-Borders-Invitation
Press release document:English: Press-Release-Final-Stop-The-Inhumanity-at-Europes-Borders-No-phone-numbers
Français: Communiqué-de-Presse-Final-Stop-A-Linhumanité-Aux-Frontières-De-lEurope-Sans-numéro-de-téléphone

Social media communication tools

Social media campaign guidance document, including texts and images for posting about the campaign launch (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)Social-Media-Campaign
Social media campaign visualsGoogle Drive Folder – Picture files of Social Media visuals
Editing the visuals:
Canva Project – Social Media Post 1, 2, 3 – Version Sea background
Canva Project – Social Media Post 1, 2, 3 – Version Land background
Canva Project Social – Social Media Post 4 – Version Sea background
Canva Project Social – Social Media Post 4 – Version Land background
Main hashtag#StopPushbacksNotPeople
Other suggested hashtags#HosptialityNotHostility #StopBorderBrutality #ProtectPeopleNotBorders #StopTheInhumanity #FortressEurope #CivilSocietyMobilisation #HumanRightsMatter #DefendSolidarity #BorderCrisis

Here are suggested text materials you can use for Twitter posts:

A new Europe-wide campaign with 7 key demands;
– stop pushbacks
– end deterrence by death
– establish humane borders
– redress for victims of state abuse
– create safe routes
– no to externalization
– hold Frontex accountable
Key documents in 5 languages:

An invitation to all refugee and migrant-led organizations, civil society associations, faith-based bodies and NGOs. Join and support this new campaign to Stop the Inhumanity at Europe’s Borders! Details and sign-up form here:

On behalf of 69 organisations, as of today, we warmly invite you to the launch of the Collective Campaign to Stop the Inhumanity at Europe’s Borders!

This is a free event, and you are welcome to join online or in person. Register via Eventbrite here: